We Are a Sunday People, Renewed in Christ, Gifted and Sent.

Watch Mass & Events Live on Facebook and YouTube!

The Knights of Columbus Valentines Dinner Dance will be Saturday 2/15 at 5pm

Father Bob's Icon Workshop: February 24-28 - 10am-1pm OR 6-9pm. Cost is $40, all supplies included. RSVP to Linda by 2/16 at carbone@qopchurch.org

Homemade Soup Sale: after all the Masses February 22nd & 23rd. Please support our Youth Group with this Delicious Fundraiser!

Young Adult Gathering will be Sunday March 2nd at 6pm at the Rectory. Dinner is included. The topic of discussion is 'living your faith in a polarized world'

International Student Leadership Institute (ISLI) High School Retreat (9th-12th grade) will be held on March 21st - 23rd at Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center in Dalton, PA. Please contact Jill Salvi at youthminister@qopchurch.org for cost and additional information. RSVP date is March 3rd.

Community Sunday Suppers are held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at 2:30. West End Missions are held the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month at 4:30.

LENT BEGINS March 5th! Ash Wednesday: Mass at 8am, 12:10pm, and 7pm. Prayer services at 4pm and 5:30pm. Distribution of ashes at all Masses and services.

CLICK HERE for the Religious Education 2024-25 Calendar!

Our Staff:

  • Pastor: Rev. Robert Simon ext. 112
  • Deacon Robert O'Connor
  • Deacon Joseph P. Rodgers
  • Business Manager: Kim Hoffman ext. 111
  • Parish Secretary: Eric Morris ext. 110
  • Director of Faith Foundation: Linda Carbone ext. 114
  • Music Ministry: Lindsey Blundetto ext. 118
  • Youth Ministry: Jill Salvi ext. 117
  • Maintenance: Eric & Drew Hoffman
  • Saturday: 5:00PM -Livestreamed on Facebook and Youtube-

    (Winter Hours @4:00PM)

    Sunday: 8:00 AM, 11:00 AM

    1:00 PM - EspaƱol

    Monday: 12:10 PM

    Tuesday - Friday: 8:00 AM

    Friday Adoration 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM

    Saturday Communion Service 8:00 AM

    Monday: 6:30-7:00pm

    Saturday: 3:30-4:30pm

    (Winter Hours 2:30-3:30pm)